Tag: explore

  • Ice Castles

    Ice Castles

    Winter adventures are not limited to skiing, snowshoeing, and snowboarding! One of the many reasons I love Utah is that there’s opportunity for unique winter adventures. Two years ago, when I first moved to Utah, I discovered the Ice Castles in Midway, UT (outside of Park City). Yesterday, we revisited the Ice Castles for a […]

  • Graduates in Wonderland [Book Rave]

    Graduates in Wonderland [Book Rave]

    You know those books where you find yourself laughing out loud while reading it? This is one of those books. I just finished reading Graduates in Wonderland that I bought at Powell’s Bookstore in Portland back in November. I picked up this book in the travel section, intrigued by the title. Since I was in […]