Tag: microadventure

  • 4 SLC Coffee Shops to Fuel Your Caffeine Addiction

    4 SLC Coffee Shops to Fuel Your Caffeine Addiction

    In the past 2 years, I have started drinking coffee regularly. It all started on my cross-country road trip with my sister to Utah from Florida. When you’re driving for 10-12 hours a day, caffeine is a must! My sister and I would visit Starbucks in whichever city we stayed in overnight and keep on […]

  • The Fine Art of Microadventure

    The Fine Art of Microadventure

    I enjoy going on short adventures, generally close to home, to try something new or go somewhere new and exciting. I don’t like spending much money on my adventures, if possible. I also don’t get many days in a row off work (i.e. working two days, off one, and on another couple) unless I specifically request […]