I apologize that my blog has been on hiatus, but I wanted to do a quick update to let everyone know that I am still around and I’ve got lots of exciting posts to share! Stay tuned for updates coming soon!
In a nutshell, the past two weeks have been a whirlwind for me.
The week of March 21st, I was in Salt Lake getting everything ready for the wedding and wrapping up all of my work at the hotel. Then I flew out to St. Pete, and the day after, I left for my Bachelorette Weekend in Savannah, GA.
After that, the week of March 28 was spent rushing around and running seemingly endless errands in an effort to get ready for the wedding. I woke up early every single day and went to bed exhausted. Every. Single. Day. Before I knew it, it was the day of the rehearsal!
The wedding was this past Saturday, April 2. In a word, it was a success. We are happy, we are exhausted, we are married. It feels great on many levels!
This week we are in North Carolina, nestled in the mountains doing what we do best: adventuring! We’ll be exploring Smoky Mountain National Park, Asheville, Gatlinburg, and kicking back and relaxing in our solitude. I will also be anxiously awaiting the photos from my photographer…. The one above is the only one in my possession right now. The wait is killing me!
Anyways, I have lots to post about on the blog, and I promise to get on that soon!