Distance: 5.4 miles, roundtrip
Gain: 1585 ft.
Pass: Discover Pass
Hiked: 7.8.18
These falls feel impressively vertical when you can walk right through them and look up! Koda enjoyed cooling down in the water and finding some sticks for fetch.
The first part of the trail was very pleasant, but the second half was rocky. This part of the hike was very bouldery and rocky, and I was very happy to have good sturdy boots for ankle support, but even with that support, it was tough on the ankles.
We took our time going up hill because by this time, it was a hot summer afternoon in the mountains.
Driving Directions
From I-90, take exit 32 (436th Avenue SE). Turn left (north) over the freeway and drive 0.5 miles to SE North Bend Way. Turn left (west), and in 0.25 mile turn right (north) on SE Mt Si Road. In 2.9 miles (past the Little Si and Mt Si trailheads), you will reach a 70-car paved parking area on the left. A Discover Pass is required to park here. Restrooms are available at the trailhead. Important: The parking lot is open only from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and is gated and locked after hours. The older parking area (a school bus turnaround near 480th Ave SE) is now off-limits, according to signage on Mt. Si Road.