Tag: recap

  • Happy Birthday Next Stop Adventure: 3 Years!

    Happy Birthday Next Stop Adventure: 3 Years!

    It’s been another year for the books blog! How does summer always end up going by so quickly? While I love each of the seasons for different reasons, the summer is always seems full of possibilities looking forward in April/May, and then suddenly, it’s over by September. Time is a funny creature that seems to […]

  • 2017 in a Nutshell

    2017 in a Nutshell

    What is life without a little adventure! This past year was full of changes in our lives. January The year 2017 started with a bang celebrating New Year’s Eve with Katie and Ashley, Katie’s best friend in Nashville. After we returned to Salt Lake from our Southeastern vacation to Nashville and Florida, we began our […]

  • Decor & Details [Wedding]

    Decor & Details [Wedding]

    Details of a wedding are very important to set the tone of the big day! We wanted our garden wedding to be casual, yet fun and relaxed with rustic tendencies. Since we chose to have the wedding in Florida, and I couldn’t have mountains as my backdrop, I desperately wanted something “nature-ish” as our venue. […]