Distance: 6.2 miles, roundtrip*
Gain: 1220 feet
Pass: Northwest Forest Pass
Hiked: 6.17.18
*We only hiked to Talapus Lake, but you can continue to do the full hike to Olallie Lake
This was a family friendly, easy weekend hike up in North Bend. We wanted something nearby, and Koda wanted to go swimming with the weather heating up. We didn’t take many photos, but it was a fun destination for a summer day.
Driving Directions
From Seattle, head east on I-90 to exit 45. Turn left, and drive under the freeway on FR 9030. In 1 mile follow the road around to the right at a junction. Continue straight on a gravel, sometimes severely potholed road to the trailhead at the road’s end. Northwest Forest Pass and Alpine Lakes Wilderness Permit required, both available at the trailhead.