Tag: book review

  • Salt Lake City’s Best 52 Hikes [Book Review]

    Salt Lake City’s Best 52 Hikes [Book Review]

    In my spare time, when I’m not hiking or editing photos, I am usually researching for what hikes I want to explore. I’ve read that part of the satisfaction of vacations (or anything you’re excited for) is the actual planning & anticipation of the activity itself. I feel that’s extremely accurate for my experiences. I […]

  • 6 Books for the Adventurous Soul

    6 Books for the Adventurous Soul

    Life is an interesting beast. The only constant is change. This summer started out so promising for lots of adventures. While I’ve had some adventures this summer, the past few weeks have thrown my carefully laid plans for a loop. Without going into too much boring detail, I’ve been working on my photography skills, and […]

  • Graduates in Wonderland [Book Rave]

    Graduates in Wonderland [Book Rave]

    You know those books where you find yourself laughing out loud while reading it? This is one of those books. I just finished reading Graduates in Wonderland that I bought at Powell’s Bookstore in Portland back in November. I picked up this book in the travel section, intrigued by the title. Since I was in […]

  • Unbroken [Book Rave]

    Unbroken [Book Rave]

    Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand (Source) I just finished reading Unbroken yesterday. (I know that I am super behind the times, but what else is new?!) It was amazing. It was well-written, extremely detailed, and goes into the nitty-gritty. It’s based on a true story of an […]