Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Chillon Castle [Switzterland’s Most Popular Castle]
After our wander through the vineyards, we continued our journey along Lake Geneva through Montreux to the Chillon Castle. When traveling, while nature is always my favorite attraction, I also love visiting historical locations and learning what was there before us many centuries ago. Europe is so rich with history and culture that it was […]
Visiting the Lavaux Vineyard Terraces, UNESCO World Heritage Site
After a quick trip to Germany, we left our hotel in Zurich to drive to Lake Geneva, the French part of Switzerland. We landed in Lausanne, Switzerland to check with the tourist information office for some maps of the UNESCO site nearby. What is UNESCO? UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization. […]
Neuschwanstein Castle [A Guide to Visiting the German Fairytale Castle]
If you want to step into a fairytale, then the Neuschwanstein Castle should be on your bucket list! Located in the Bavaria region in Germany, this castle is a 19th century palace based on Ludwig II of Bavaria’s ideas of a perfect castle. Unfortunately, Ludwig II passed in 1886 before his castle could be completed. […]
Skagit Valley Tulip Valley
One of the many seasonal events in the Western Washington area is the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival. It happens every April, and they are in their 34th year! There are a couple main gardens that people visit— the RoozenGaarde and Tulip Town. It’s designed as a driving tour, meaning you can get in your car […]
A Day in Locarno, Switzerland
On our first full day in Switzerland, we decided to forego our city tour of Zurich (due to rain) and head south to the Italian part of Switzerland— a cute vacation destination of Locarno. Our kind hostess, Martina, said that the weather on the other side of the mountains is usually better. She also told […]
Barclay Lake [Hike 15/52]
Distance: 4.4 miles, roundtrip Gain: 500 feet Pass: Northwest Forest Pass Hiked: 5.5.18 We wanted an easy, pleasant hike to do before getting ready to head to Switzerland, and we found this one! It won the rare award of Brighton’s approval. He couldn’t stop saying how “pleasant” the hike was because of the terrain, nice […]
A Weekend in Portland [Our Second Anniversary Trip]
For our second anniversary, we decided to make a weekend adventure to Portland! Now that we’ve moved, Portland is only about 3 hours away from our new home! We haven’t had a lot of opportunity to leave since we moved away from our favorite dog sitters— thank you Kelli & Ashley! But determined to get […]
Rattlesnake Ledge [Hike 14/52]
Distance: 4 miles, roundtrip Gain: 1160 feet Pass: None Hiked: 4.29.18 This is a popular hike that we first visited in December 2017, but it’s a great, nearby hike with big payoff! The one (big) downside is that it’s usually very crowded. Even on the gloomy, drizzly day we hiked, there were still a lot […]
Coal Creek Falls [Hike 13/52]
Distance: 2.5 miles, roundtrip Gain: 416 ft. Pass: None Hiked: 4.17.18 This was a quick after-work hike that we did on a Tuesday. The weather was decent (overcast) so we visited the Cougar Mountain Regional Wildlife Park, a new destination for us. When we got there, there was plenty of parking but I have to say […]
Wallace Falls State Park [Hike 12/52]
Distance: 5.6 miles, roundtrip Gain: 1300 ft. Pass: Discover Pass Hiked: 4.15.18 After struggling to think of an appropriate hike for a potentially rainy day, I decided on Wallace Falls State Park for a multiple-waterfall treat! I have to say that the real treat is the Middle Falls. We did see all three Lower/Middle/Upper falls, but […]
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